
Sydney Promoted as a Leading Sustainable Destination

22 Jun 2018

International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney) has joined forces with the City of Sydney Council, accommodation and tourism operators to build Sydney’s reputation on the global stage with the launch of a dedicated Sustainable Destination Partnership program.

The initiative brings together more than 30 local and international organisations including major hotels, museums and city attractions, to improve Sydney’s environmental performance by increasing its use of renewable energy, reducing water consumption and improving waste management and recycling systems.

CEO of ICC Sydney, Geoff Donaghy said corporate social responsibility is a core pillar of ICC Sydney’s operations, and it made good sense to partner with the City of Sydney and others in the industry to collectively drive positive outcomes.

“ICC Sydney is committed to operating in a socially responsible and environmentally sound manner and has already been recognised with some of Australia’s – and the world’s – highest sustainability ratings by building connections and creating impact for local communities, reducing its energy and water usage, and increasing its waste diversion from landfill.

“Promoting both the venue and the entire city as a sustainable destination provides us with yet another competitive advantage when talking to clients locally and globally,” Mr Donaghy said.