This week marks National Reconciliation Week, an important occasion for not only the team at ICC Sydney but Australia as a whole. This year’s theme “More than a word. Reconciliation takes action,” is a reminder of the work that must be done to strengthen relationships and bridge the gap between Australia’s First Nations people and the broader Australian community.
Since opening, ICC Sydney has made it a priority to work with the local community to create positive change. In November 2018, ICC Sydney became the first convention centre in Australia to formalise a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). The milestone was achieved following a two-year journey during which recognition of First Nations’ heritage and culture was embedded across the business, employment opportunities for First Nations people were increased and an inclusive space to work and visit was created. The team is proud of the partnerships forged in recent years and is committed to continuing to strengthen these important relationships for years to come.
To commemorate this year’s National Reconciliation Week, the ICC Sydney team had the honour of welcoming Aboriginal elder, Aunty Margret Campbell, to deliver a Welcome to Country at the company wide team meeting this week, in addition to a cultural music and dance performance by the talented artists from the KARI Foundation, a First Nations run community support and preservation service provider. Following the performance was a networking event that featured catering with indigenous ingredients and First Nations suppliers. ICC Sydney stands and operates on Tumbalong, land of the Gadigal clan of the Eora Nation. To educate the team about First Nations’ customs and traditions as well as the history that took place right on ICC Sydney’s doorstep, Aunty Margret Campbell will also run local precinct cultural tours for team members during National Reconciliation Week. This tour is also offered to clients as part of their programming for events any time of the year. ICC Sydney’s Sustainable Event Guide
The focus on acknowledging, supporting and celebrating First Nations people and culture also continues throughout the year. The team at ICC Sydney is passionate about ensuring that the work started with the RAP is continuously built upon through employment opportunities, staff education and events. A Welcome to Country or an Acknowledgement of Country is included at the commencement of key ICC Sydney meetings, in formal documents such as the Annual Performance Review, and is something the team encourages clients to include in their events through the activation of the First Nations stream of the industry leading Legacy Program.