A limited number of wheelchairs are available to hire free of charge with provision of photo identification. To hire a wheelchair, please see one of our friendly customer service team members at any of the following locations:
- Convention Centre Customer Service (ground floor lobby)
- Exhibition Centre Customer Service (Level 2, next to Hall 4)
- ICC Sydney Theatre Customer Service (Level 2, about 25 metres south of the lift entrance in the main foyer).
Please note that wheelchairs are a lightweight manual model, which must be operated by the hirer, their carer, or companion. Wheelchairs may not be taken outside of the building and must be returned to the collection point daily.
Other Mobility Aids and Prams
Mobility aids (including but not limited to: wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, canes and prosthetic devices) and prams are permitted into all ICC Sydney venues, but must be stored in a way that does not block any aisles, access points or exits.
If safe storage is not possible, cloaking may be available at the Customer Service Desk at Convention Centre, Exhibition Centre and ICC Sydney Theatre.
Hearing and Vision Assistance
Braille is provided on room door signage and fixed directional signage throughout the venue. Tactile flooring is provided at egress points including at main entryways, staircases, and escalators.
Hearing augmentation systems in ICC Sydney Theatre and foyers and Grand Ballroom allow guests to connect via Bluetooth, personal induction loop or lightweight headset. All other meeting rooms, including Darling Harbour Theatre and Pyrmont Theatre use infra-red emitted hearing augmentation systems with access via a personal induction loop or lightweight headset.
Both systems require an ICC Sydney issued receiver. Complimentary hearing augmentation devices (receivers) are available and can be provided to guests free of charge with a form of photo identification. The hired device must remain on ICC Sydney premises and be returned at the conclusion of the day.
Please note personal hearing loops are only compatible with t-switch (telecoil) optioned hearing aids or cochlear implants.
Patrons can collect either a personal induction loop or a set of lightweight headphones with receiver from ICC Sydney’s Customer Service Desk upon arrival to access this service.
It is recommended that people who use a hearing aid or cochlear implant utilise the hearing augmentation system.

Accredited assistance animals are welcome inside the venue. To assist our team, please display their identification badge or medallion.
If your assistance animal needs to relieve itself, please notify one of our friendly customer service team members who will direct you to the nearest outdoor area.
If required, a bowl of water can be provided for your assistance animal upon request – please enquire at one of our customer service desks.