
CEO Update – September 2022

28 Sep 2022

This month we proudly released our FY 2021/22 results in our Annual Performance Review. The last financial year delivered headwinds and tailwinds in almost equal measure. Through the support of the New South Wales (NSW) Government and Darling Harbour Live consortium, ICC Sydney successfully continued communication with our network throughout the ongoing challenges of the last financial year, holding us in good stead to respond in real time to the incredible desire to meet face to face. Read ICC Sydney’s Annual Performance Review for FY 2021/22: Annual Reports | ICC Sydney | 2022-iccsydney-annual-performance-review.pdf

With events largely delivered in the last four months of the financial year, attendance was more than double the previous financial year as we welcomed 470,000 people to events at ICC Sydney. Visitor spending was double the previous year and as international events return in greater numbers, we are on track to returning to deliver A$1 billion a year in economic contribution to our city and regional communities within the next three years – a year earlier than we previously projected.

The positive financial impact of our success goes beyond the venue, with only 10% of economic benefit staying with our venue. The rest reaches out along our long supply chain benefiting our neighbouring businesses as well as those in regional areas.

Regional areas such as Orange in NSW’s Central West is the source of one quarter of our 100% NSW wine list. This year, we celebrated Orange’s thriving food and wine culture and quality cool-climate wines unique to the region by once again sponsoring the Best Exhibitor award category of the Orange Wine Show. By championing the state’s local wine industry, we dually help enrich the experiences of event attendees visiting the venue.